Training at Versacchi
Take Your Business To The Next Level With Versacchi.
Hair replacement is a tough business. As a salon owner, I don't have to tell you - the competition is fierce. You're always wondering what the next shop is doing - and if they're doing it better than you.

Face it - your clients are only as loyal as their next visit. If someone else can make them look or feel better, they'll switch. It's that simple. However - the great studios don't have this problem. Their client's remain loyal -referring more and more new customers year after year
Advanced Specialist Training
hair replacement
Suppose a client comes to you with an existing replacement that simply looks terrible. They don't want new hair - they just want you to transform their "rug" into an acceptable realistic hair style. Do you have the technically skilled staff to do the job - and do it right?
If you're like 70% of the salons, you don't. It takes an incredibly artistic and trained stylist to weave this kind of magic
wigs .
At Versacchi - we train stylists to do exactly that. After learning from us - your stylists will know how to expertly cut, blend and integrate new materials that will totally revive an existing replacement. They'll literally turn your client's disastrous "rug" into an acceptably styled natural head of
hair loss solutions.
We'll be blunt - it won't look as good as a CTR replacement. But it'll be leagues beyond what your client brought to your salon in the first place.